Mariana Ramírez


Recent Publications

Social Media Disruption: Messaging Mistrust in Latin America (with Lupu, N. and Zechmeister, E. J.), Journal of Democracy 31(3): 160-171 (2020).

“Escenarios locales de irregularidad electoral en Perú: Trashumancia electoral en las elecciones locales de 2014 y 2018” (with Corvetto, P.), Democracia Actual 3:138-161 (2019).
[Local scenarios of irregular electoral practices in Peru: Flying voters in the 2014 and 2018 local elections]

“Trashumancia electoral en las elecciones subnacionales de 2018 en Perú: Mecanismos para garantizar la integridad del padrón” (with Corvetto, P.), Revista Académica del RENIEC Nombres 4(1): 29-65 (2017/18).
[Electoral Transhumance in Subnational Elections from 2018 in Peru: Mechanisms to Guarantee the Integrity of the Electoral Roll].

“Escenarios de trashumancia electoral local: Un análisis a partir de las Elecciones Municipales de 2014 en Perú” (with Corvetto, P.), Revista Académica del RENIEC Nombres 3(1): 174-209 (2016).
[Local scenarios of electoral transhumance: An analysis from the Municipal Elections of 2014 in Peru]

“Actores y escenarios como determinantes claves de la política de drogas en el Perú. El caso de la implementación del control de hoja de coca en el valle del Monzón 2010-2015” (with Casas, F.) Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno 4(7): 33-57 (2017).
[Actors and scenarios as key determinants to the drug policy in Peru. The case of implementation of coca leaf control in the Monzón Valley 2010-2015]

“Revocatoria de mandato subnacional en ciudades grandes de América del Sur: Lima Metropolitana (2013) en perspectiva comparada.” Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno 3(6): 175-206 (2016).
[Recall Referendum at a Subnational Level in Big Cities from South America: Metropolitan Lima (2013) in Comparative Perspective]

Work in Progress

“Electoral Support for Candidates Involved in Drug Trafficking: Experimental Evidence from Peru.” (Under review)

“How Do Drug Trafficking Organizations Shape Political Attitudes?” (Working paper)

“How Poll Worker Attendance Affects Elections: Evidence from Peru.” With Mollie Cohen (In progress).

“Organized Crime and Political Participation: The Effect of Extortion on Turnout and Protest Participation in Chile.” With Veronica Hurtado (In progress).

Research Reports

“Rule of Law: Corruption, Crime and Justice for Gender-Based Violence” (with Facundo Salles Ko-bilanski and Adam D. Wolsky), in Lupu, N., Rodriguez, M. & Zechmeister, E.J. (Eds.). Pulse of Democracy. Nashville, TN: LAPOP: 56-88, 2021.

Are We Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? Using AmericasBarometer Data to Measure Progress in the Americas (with Noam Lupu and Laura M. Sellers). Insights Report. Nashville, TN: LAPOP, 2020.

Participación en organizaciones cívicas, y percepciones sobre servicios y políticas públicas en la República Dominicana. Nashville, TN:LAPOP, 2019.[Participation in civic organizations, and perceptions on public services and policies in Dominican Republic]

“Tolerance of Executive ‘Coups’ in Peru” (with Elizabeth J. Zechmeister) Topical Brief 035. Nashville, TN: LAPOP, 2019.

“Tolerance of Executive Coups in Peru” (with Elizabeth J. Zechmeister), in Zechmeister, E.J. & Lupu, N. (Eds.). Pulse of Democracy. Nashville, TN: LAPOP: 69, 2019.

“Social Media and Political Attitudes” (with Noam Lupu & Elizabeth J. Zechmeister), in Zechmeister, E. J. & Lupu, N. (Eds.). Pulse of Democracy. Nashville, TN: LAPOP: 52-65, 2019.

For the entire list of publications, click here for a copy of my CV.